Pause, rewind, reset: a reminder on relaxation by sebastien pierre
Whether it may be work or scholarly activities, fall always brings an impending truckload of due dates and tasks. Furthermore, keeping up with social appearances is no easy feat. This combination can force some to turn on autopilot to cruise through the season of change, but what happens when autopilot turns off? The due dates that seem like a few weeks away are now counting down to days, even hours, and the plans you’ve made with various friends and acquaintances are around the corner. Your schedule is booked and the imaginary walls of stress are closing in, what shall you do? Hopefully, the faint knocking of free will kicks in and the search for relaxation begins.
Generally speaking, the ability to take a step back and ease your tensions is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it can feel like a luxury with the impending difficulties of everyday life. Simply pausing to check-in on yourself is a step in the right direction. A quick diagnosis on what type of relaxation you may want can also pinpoint the cause of stress. Not everyone can kick back like the next person so it's always best to find a method that suits you on any front. Modes of relaxation such as physical, mental, as well as sensory serve as good avenues to approach when trying to escape their more intense counterparts.
Physical relaxation can seem to be extremely vague as some take it as a free invitation to pump some weight or melt away under their favorite blanket. Either way, both target the build up of your everyday woes and release them through your body. Many recommend a casual stroll or walk accompanied by some fresh air to really reset those stress levels.
Mental relaxation is an active process in which you are attempting to release tension within the confines of your conscious mind. Thoughts that get thrown around in the mind can build up without proper resolve. Maintenance checks within the mind such meditation and peaceful visualizations allow for the synthesizing of those thoughts. To put it simply, it doesn't hurt to go to your “happy place” as it can slow down the rate at which you worry about the various due dates and agendas you have in the near future. Centering yourself these mental methods every so often allows for a clearer and more thoughtful mind.
Lastly, sensory relaxation helps to soothe the self through our other senses. The easiest approach is the ears and nose. Putting on a playlist littered with any feel-good or calming tracks allows for some form of audio escapism. Furthermore, that in tandem with aromatherapy or in layman's terms, lighting a nice scented candle, can elevate a sense of ease and calmness.
Hopefully, this brief reminder on how to relax and the various avenues you can take encourages you to pause. No matter how short or how long it may be, in reality, we are not machines and it can get quite easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. Our own world has a lot to offer so it is best to pause, rewind, and reset when necessary.
Image Credits:
1)Laguna Vintage 2)Pavel Tchelitchew 3) Ani Baxtadze